



  • 主题演讲:“走向当前经合组织定义的皮肤致敏方法及其在案例研究中的应用”,演讲者为 Nathalie ALEPEE。
  • 上海爱普斯生物技术公司展位展示,演讲者为 Linda DING 和 Shiwei LIU。
  • 继续教育:“下一代化妆品风险评估中使用交叉阅读的框架和案例研究”,演讲者为 Shuyi KONG。
  • 圆桌讨论:“新化妆品法规下下一代风险评估技术的开发和转化:挑战与机遇”,演讲者为 Lizao CHEN。


The 7th Conference on Toxicity Testing Alternatives and Translational Toxicology was successfully held in Nanchang, China.

This congress is one of the most important events organized by Chinese Society of Toxicology for Alternative Method promotion and scientific communication in toxicology field.

In this congress L’OREAL was invited to do:

  • Keynote speech: “The journey towards the current OECD defined approaches for skin sensitization and their application to case studies” presented by Nathalie ALEPEE.
  • Booth exhibition of EPISKIN Shanghai Biotechnology by Linda DING & Shiwei LIU.
  • Continuing Education “The framework and case study of using read-across in next generation risk assessment for cosmetics” by Shuyi KONG.
  • Round-table discussion about “Development and Translation of Next Generation Risk Assessment Technologies under New Cosmetic Regulations: Challenges and Opportunities” by Lizao CHEN.